Affirming Stewardship

How do we do stewardship in an Affirming Ministry? We value our church in a diversity of differing ways. But above all, it is an opening of our hearts to one another. As the heritage passes from one generation to the next, it is cherished both in the receiving and

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Rest in the Promise

Thanksgiving Sunday.It is so easy to let our anxiety about the future take hold of us. But gratitude for all that God has done in our lives, makes us able to embrace God’s promise for the future. It is in this simple and pure faith that we rejoice today.listen view

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Fighting for Life

(Ethics Series, Part 6)When, if ever, is it appropriate for states to take military action against another state for the purpose of protecting people at risk in that other state? Here, we are challenged to join together as a global community to forge a consensus on how to prevent violence,

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Caring for Life

(Ethics Series, Part 5)We have very difficult decisions before us about how much money should be spent on Health Care and how available resources should be allocated. It appears that we cannot satisfactorily resolve these questions solely on the basis of scientific, economic and political direction. Hence the present movements

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Responsibility for Life

(Ethics Series, Part 4)Stem-cell production and the prospect of human cloning represent another new frontier in technology which brings with it enormous possibilities for good and for evil — for blessing and for curse. And we are rightfully wary. It challenges us to look at life differently: to change our

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Sharing Life

(Ethics Series, Part 3)We are rightfully proud of our Canadian culture. And we recognize that it is a mosaic or blend of many cultures. Today many new cultures are being added and we celebrate the richness of even greater diversity. However, we also have difficult choices to make about the

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Respect for Life

(Ethics Series, Part 2)The question of euthanasia or assisted suicide is really a matter of respect for human life. And there comes at time for some people when to let go of life is a true expression of respect for life. It is essential for us to be compassionate with

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Blessed Are You Poor

(Ethics Series, Part 1)God looks at the world through the eyes of the poor, the outcast, the vulnerable, the oppressed. This “strategic option for the poor” is an insight that is prevalent in the Bible and renewed in our awareness by the liberation theologies of the 1960s. It points to

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Mission: Compassion

(Church Series, Part 3)The church has moved from the centre to the edge of society, and this has a great deal of impact on our understanding of the church’s mission. In some ways, it is an opportunity to reclaim the prophetic voice of Christianity in our deep commitment to the

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(Church Series, Part 2)The proclamation of the gospel is part of our mission as a church. What is our authority to proclaim this gospel? This is a question around which a good deal of change has happened in the church in recent decades. And witness is one of the signposts

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