Light out of Darkness

This Christ-light now rises from the darkness of the tomb to shine far beyond the darkness of the world, inviting us to behold with Christ the light of eternity. This is the vision of eternity that transforms our perception of the world and our life in it.listen

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Healing Grace

Grace series, Part 5For many people, life feels like a struggle to find yourtrue self. It often feels like we’re disjointed inside. Thetrouble is that we seek affirmation on the outside whenwhat we need can only be achieved from the inside out.Through the gift of grace, we come to a

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Guiding Grace

Grace series, Part 4As we seek guidance from self-help books and counselors, it sometimes feel like the blind leading the blind. We want to be told what to do, but there’s no quick fix. Instead God offers the gift of wisdom to help us find our way. The trick is

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Forgiving Grace

Grace series, Part 3In the face of our own wrong-doing, we experience grace as acquittal after being found guilty. There is a healthy experience of guilt that we need not fear. There is a truly soul-destroying moment in life when we are broken and paralyzed by our guilt until we

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Awakening Grace

Grace Series, Part 2So much that is in our modern world is designed to put us to sleep, to domesticate us, to manipulate and controll us. We are lulled into complacency by our fears and our addictions. There is a kind of awakening that returns us to a wild state

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Liberating Grace

Grace Series, Part 1We are suburban captives — caught in a merciless treadmill of life blazing on as if in free-fall. The biblical answer is Sabbath. We have all but lost Sabbath in our modern culture, especially with the deterioration of our Lord’s Day Act. So we have to learn

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Respect in Creation

Creation Series, Part 6The planetary ecological crisis demands a changed view of our relationship with nature. According to our own creed we are called, as the church, “to live with respect in creation”. So we seek a mutuality in our true relationship with the rest of creation.listen view

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Single Family Planet

Creation Series, Part 5Our faith in God the Creator gives us a profound unity with all of creation, including the poor and oppressed. It also moves us into a commonality with many other faiths and philosophies.listen view

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Our Sacred Grove

Creation Series, Part 4We are inspired by special places in nature, and native and Celtic spirituality recognize sacred places: locations where the “veil is especially thin”. We need contact with nature (walking, gardening, camping, hiking, etc.) as an essential part of our spiritual well-being.listen view

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