The Heart of Christmas

Christmas message from the Christmas Eve Choral Candlelight service.listen view Part 1: There Comes a Timelisten view Part 2: Room in the Innlisten view Part 3: Sign of the Mangerlisten view Part 4: Dawn from on Highview (all four parts)

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Do Not be Afraid

The angel, Gabriel spoke to Mary, calming her fears, in a time when there was a lot to be afraid of. Her trust in God is an expression of the courage this gave her. This calming of the fear is at the heart of Christian theology — the unconditional promise

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Voice in the Wilderness

The prophetic heritage of promise is gathered up and bestowed upon this picture of the Baptist preparing the way for the more powerful one. The people were baptized then as an affirmation of the hope and active preparation for a new era of their history. Jesus was baptized as an

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Allegiance to Compassion

The separation of the nations is based on compassion. This is so central to the Gospel. The topic “Reign of Christ” (Christ the King Sunday) raises the question “what is it that reigns in our life, our hearts, and our world?” The answer is “compassion”. Exactly what Christ represents. listen

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Keep Awake

Our choices actually do matter…empires do fall: all of them! The day of the Lord is not a good day for the Emperor! Something at the heart of Jesus teachings contains the core of Wisdom, and Wisdom does include the sense of consequence, not so much as punishment, but as

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Beyond Empire

Micah, like Isaiah criticizes the empire: exposing the inner corruption. And Jesus criticizes the Jewish leaders of his day, denouncing the hypocrisy of their arrogance. This touches the deep distortion of human endeavour, the tendency for civilization always to become imperial (Crossan). So the question to explore is: “How do

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The gospel is rooted in the Hebrew tradition, specifically Torah. Law and gospel are not two contrary ways of life. They are alternate expressions of the same core truth. The same Spirit is moving consistently, but progressively through all these events.listen

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Remembering Gratitude

ThanksgivingIt is so easy to get so caught up in the enjoyment of all we have received and forget to complete the cycle by “returning” thanks. Our spirits shrivel without it, yet with it, they flourish.listen

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