The Law of Faith

(Romans Series, part 2)Paul’s classic statement of the righteousness of God by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ (or is it “faith in Jesus Christ”?!) for all who believe. Here to the end of the chapter represents an overture to the thesis of the entire epistle to the Romans. Thus we

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Gifts Differing

(Romans Series, part 1)The challenge to achieve unity in the midst of diversity was crucial for the church in Rome as it cut acros all the dividing lines in the society of that time, and is just as crucial for the church in our time, as we seek not only

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That All May Be One?

Was Jesus’ prayer “That all may be one” a hope for unity of doctrine? This sense of unity has often led the Christian church to impose its beliefs on others. Alternatively, perhaps Jesus’ prayer for unity was for all people to work together to mend the world. listen

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Pursuit of Mercy

The shepherd is a Biblical metaphor for leaders. So we consider leadership in all its dimensions – from parenting and church leadership to political and corporate – and ask, “What is the quality of leadership followed (pursued!) by goodness and mercy?” listen

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Creative Your Word

As the disciples recognized Christ’s presence in the breaking of the bread, so may our eyes be openned, through true com-union, to recognize Christ in all the human family, especially the ones who are chronically excluded. listen

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Love is Stronger

We live in an age of fear. The UN development goals set for the new millennium have taken a back seat to security issues. After his death the followers of Jesus were also gripped by fear. But through the resurrection they were lifted from fear and given courage to continue

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From Womb—From Tomb

In the cross we meet the end hope and light; in the resurrection we meet the birth of the new light and new hope. Jesus emerging from the tomb is a birth, a new beginning; and our life is filled with endings (dark moments of the cross) and new beginnings,

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Sweet Hosannas Ring

In the energy of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, there is at once the fulfillment of the ancient promise of “the one who comes in the name of the Lord” and the poignancy of the invitation to walk with Christ through the passion, to feel the sorrow and the darkness

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