Face to face with God.

Exodus 1:8-14; 3:1-15 • God calls Moses to bring release. Over and over I hear people ask the question, “Am I worthy of God?” The answer is YES! There are times of each person’s life when we have transitions to a new stage of life or we are struggling with

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God of Blessings

Struggles in life are prevalent, and different for everyone. The story of Jacob is wrought with deceit and self interest at first, but as Jacob goes through life, and he learns and grows and his responsibilities increase, he soon realizes the ramifications of his choices and actions. Jacob has a

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God in Those Around Us

The main story we hear today is of God and a couple of other heavenly beings visiting Abraham and Sarah incognito in the form of human travellers. As continues to be the case in many cultures, care of and hospitality toward travelling strangers was for Sarah and Abraham a deeply

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God is present, always!

Genesis 2:4b-25 • The Garden of Eden Right from the beginning of creation God is with us, nurturing, protecting and sustaining life. Sometimes we are so focussed on our own thoughts and desires that we lose sight of all that we have been offered from God. As we prepare to

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Making Sense

Last week we heard Simon Peter’s breakthrough insight into who Jesus is: no less than God’s anointed and appointed one, the one who will redefine and reshape the world in the image of God. The expectations of the Messiah include both political and religious dimensions. There is the feeling that

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A Good Question

Simon Peter is one of the first and closest disciples of Jesus. As his travelling companion for something like three years, Simon Peter has had many first-hand experiences of Jesus, but has also observed how others have responded to him. In this passage, we witness again how Jesus uses questions

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Inside Out/Outside In

Within the culture of Jesus’ time, there were those who insisted that the ills of society were due to certain traditional religious laws not being observed rigorously enough. More specifically, some were trying to claim moral superiority (and some measure of power) by being hyper vigilant about what, how and

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We are in this together!

Isaiah 55:1-5, 12-13 • An invitation to Abundant Life. Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21 • The goodness of God. We are in a covenant with God. God says “you are my people, I am your God.” The conclusion then is that we are in this together, not only with each other but

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Everything counts in small amounts!

Romans 8:26-27 • The Spirit intercedes. Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 • Five parables. One drop of rain won’t really make a difference right? One rotten apple won’t ruin the bunch right? What about one small mustard seed? All of God’s creation is interconnected. More often then not we feel helpless and

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