
Arsenokoitai This one word has doomed generations of LGBTQIA2S+ Christians to persecution and shame, and yet you’ve probably never even heard it, so what exactly is this word? Well, the short answer is… it’s complicated. This word has long been the base of homophobia within the Church due to its

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What’s Happening at R-W?

Often people think that the majority of church activities take place on Sundays, but the reality is that R-W is a very busy and vibrant space every day of the week! Below are our weekly and monthly activities. A typical week at Robertson-Wesley: Monday – Friday Church Facility Hours: 8:30

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Affirming Theology – The Genderqueer Adam

The Genderqueer Adam “When people pick up the Bible, they often start reading from the beginning. They venture into the two creation stories that sum up how we are created and how the world came to be. Alternatively, when Christians quote scripture to argue against the full inclusion of LGBTQIA2S+

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Spirited Arts Movement: Roots of Allyship

The first two sessions of Roots of Allyship series of workshops were really timely given the political climate since October, and clearly addressed a deep need within people doing the work of Allyship and justice. People expressed a desire to work through their tired feelings and feelings of disharmony. The

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Pride Nonetheless

With the sudden news of the Pride Festival being canceled this year, many folks in the LGBTQ2S+ community were feeling hurt for many different reasons. In the midst of the upheaval, divided community, and pain of losing our beloved parade, the community groups of all varieties stepped up to fill

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Psalms What is the importance of the psalms within the Bible and in Christian scripture? Who or what were they intended for? Why were they written? What forms do they take? Interesting questions to explore while examining the psalms more closely.The psalms are situated in the third section of the

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Dynamics of Differences

Over the last few months at R-W, we have engaged in learning about the diverse needs and abilities we all have and why we need them all to be a Christian community. Mobility and learning differences, as well as some chronic and mental illnesses, are not always visible to others’ eyes

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After #metoo Learning Circles

In fall of 2017, there was a large social media campaign #metoo that saw women posting this hashtag if they had experienced sexual assault. Harvey Weinstein, a famous Hollywood producer, was charged with sexual assault on numerous accounts over decades. Our social media feeds and larger world were suddenly filled

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