
CommuKNITy is creating a stash of knitted bits to be used for a future bombing project. Many people besides the collective members have contributed and it is exciting to see how interested and enthusiastic people are when they hear about the project. Some are simply delighted by the idea of

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Choosing hymns? How?

After a service many people often share with me that they appreciated the music in the service.  I try to have a conversation about them about what music impacted them and why.  Is it familiar, some of their favourites, the style, the context, the content?   Many also ask who chooses

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Karen’s experience at Yale

The Spiritual Arts Collective The experience at the ISM Congregational Projects Seminar has left a deep imprint on our Spiritual Arts Collective project, on our ministry here at RWUC and on my life. I remember the first day we gathered and Martin Jean, the director of the Institute of Sacred

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Spiritual Collective: The Yale Project

Robertson-Wesley is 1 of 7 churches from across North America that was chosen to attend the Yale Institute of Sacred Music Congregation Projects Summer Seminar in June 2013. Rev. Karen Bridges, Tammy-Jo Mortensen and Casey Edmunds will be heading to Yale where we will work together with the other chosen

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Sabbatical — Sabbath

Rev. Jim Allan I want to tell you about mySabbatical. Firstly, what is a sabbatical? Well, in its origin, it is the Sabbath, the seventh day, when God rested after creating the world, so it is a day of rest. The idea was extended to the years of our lives,

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The Robertson-Wesley Carillon

The Robertson-Wesley carillon has been chiming out tunes, tolls, and peals since it was installed by the Schulmerich Company in the east room in 1961. It is not a carillon that is played with a keyboard and actual bells, but the sound is made instead by semantra (rectangular metal bars

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