We ARE Robertson-Wesley

How do we bring the story of Robertson-Wesley alive?? By gathering the people and giving them an opportunity to share their faith story. The stewardship theme for this year is “We ARE Robertson-Wesley” for we know and we truly believe that each person who enters this building adds their own

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Easter Vigil Reflection

Easter Vigil On the eve of Easter, people gathered as some of the disciples once did at the tomb of Jesus the night before he was resurrected. The people gathered to pray, to wait, and to remember. We began the night with a service that helped us to reflect on

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Bringing the Christmas Story to Life!

On December 18th approximately 30 members of Robertson-Wesley United Church gathered in Memorial Hall to get dressed and get ready for bringing the nativity story to life. People of all ages arrived with excited uncertainty and expectation of what this afternoon might bring. As the participants entered the church they

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The Season of Advent

It’s all about the waiting…. Patience is a virtue, and that virtue is really apparent when it comes to this season of Advent. Kids are excited about Santa coming and “can’t wait” to open gifts, people are frustrated waiting in lines to pay for their purchases, and for our society

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Child Well-being Initiative

When a child asks for bread, who of you would give the child a stone? The Persistent Widow Once upon a time there was a woman whose rights had been trampled on. She took her case to a judge and asked to present her story. The judge did not listen

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Thoughts about sacred music

The United Voices of Edmonton (Robertson-Wesley Choir, Knox-Metropolitan Choir and the Willan Chorale) are preparing to undertake a choral trip to England. Because of this trip, I’ve been thinking about the community we’re creating from 3 choirs, the grounding in an an age-old tradition of evensong, the beauty of the

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The lyrics from the song “I am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel float endless through my mind these days as I gaze out the window of my office. “I am a rock, I am an island. And a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries.” I have

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All Aboard

God’s Steward Ship has set sail for another year with many children and youth and various other adult volunteers on board. For the past month we have been exploring the scripture from 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members

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Mission: Communication

At Robertson-Wesley, we are currently expanding our communication — that is, our use of various communication media that are available to us today. We are pressing beyond the usual internal communications, such as newsletters, bulletin boards, pamphlets, and Sunday bulletins toward internet media such as this blog, our website, Facebook,

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