Deadlines are printed in Between the Aisles and the editors will inform you of the deadline if they solicit your article. Please adhere to the deadline to allow for editing, proofreading and printing.

2025 Deadlines

Submissions due: Feb 14 Published: March 9

Submissions due: May 9 Published: June 1

Submissions due: Aug 8 Published: Aug 31

Submissions due: Nov 7 Published: Nov 30

Guidelines for Submission to Between the Aisles 

Topic Choice
The purpose of Between the Aisles is to share personal stories, to begin interesting conversations on matters of faith and to let congregational members know what is on your mind and is of interest to you. We seek to highlight: issues and stories at the forefront of our Mission & Outreach, Spiritual Formation Pod conversations, topics being discussed in committee or programming circles, themes from our Spirited Arts Movement or worship cycle, articles from the writers’ area of study, poetry and art reflecting one’s spiritual journey as well as upcoming events both here at R-W and in our community. At times we will share news from our wider denomination and other partners.
Some will choose to tell a story that will make a new or unique activity come alive and go beyond an anecdote. Some may aim to be an analysis of that event that might lead to new insight, a larger truth or yet more questions. It is our vision that Between the Aisles can be a place to have interesting reflections on matters of faith, social justice and personal growth.

As the author, your name will appear on the article. If anonymity is requested, the editorial committee will need to discuss and approve of this and thus these submissions must be received 7 days prior to the deadline.
As an editorial team we are striving to ensure this publication begins and widens discussions, allowing more points of view to expand our ideas. We may limit articles that seek to end or “solve” a conversation or we may actively solicit different viewpoints in the hopes of expanding our ideas and listening for the Spirit.
Send your submission as a word .doc attachment or pasted into the message to Include a contact number where you can be reached. Do not mail or fax submissions.

Length & Editing
The length of a submission may vary but generally 500 words is recommended to allow for a variety of stories in each edition. Due to recommended length, make important points in first few paragraphs. Generally, the length of the newsletter is 8-12 pages in total. However, some editions are filled regularly and early with the many activities in our faith and wider community. Please submit things as soon as you can.
Submissions may be edited for clarity or length. It’s a good idea to stay within the recommended length rather than count on editors to edit essay for length. A submission may be deferred to a later edition if we find we are making substantial edits, because we would want the time to receive your feedback on the edits.

Submit a picture to augment your story, even if the picture is of you. Ensure you have permission to publish pictures of people. Send e-photos to or hard copies to the office addressed to Elyse Munro who formats the newsletter.