Words have power.

Jeremiah 1:4-10 • Jeremiah’s call. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 • Love is patient Words have power. People of faith are encouraged and reminded to speak words that are kind and loving. Before speaking with others a good rule of thumb is to ask, “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it

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From Bleak to Fulfilled

Our life’s journey is one filled with moments…good moments, tough moments, moments of great joy, moments of deep sorrow, sometimes all of those emotions fight for first place in any given moment. And occasionally in the midst of it all communion bursts in! Ordinarily we celebrate the sacrament in the

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A Trip to Bethlehem

Isaiah 60: 1-6 • Arise, shine; for your light has come. Matthew 2:1-12 • The visit of the magi. The journey we have undertaken following the star has reached its conclusion. We have arrived! And what do we bring? It isn’t long from birth to warning. There is not much

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Something Lost?

Colossians 3:12-21 • You are God’s chosen people. Luke 2:41-52 • The boy Jesus at the temple. Have you ever misplaced something but instead of deciding it’s lost you rationalize that it’s just around the corner or still at a friend’s house. Even in this season of Christmas things get

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The Power of Love

Luke 1:39-55 • Mary visits Elizabeth The power of love is real. To know that we are loved and that we are supported can make all the difference in the world. This is the story of two women coming together in mutual support. God provides both Mary and Elizabeth with

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What keeps us from going home?

The scriptures today call us to self-examination. What keeps us from God? What is holding us back from simply accepting the kingdom? How do we find the strength to be persistent? Looking around upon whom does your gaze fall as the person who calls you back as John the Baptist

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God’s House on the Move

The pathways to Bethlehem begin to open before us. There is a small crack through which we begin to see the light. Preparation for a trip can include many things: sometimes we try to map it out, sometimes we choose to wander, sometimes we end up wandering even tho’ we

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