Your faith has made you well!

Psalm 130 • Out of the depths, I cry to God.Mark 5: 21-42 • Hemorrhaging woman healed.“In loving partnership we come, seeking, O God, your will to do. Our prayers and actions now receive; we freely offer them to you.” These words of prayer come from the hymn “In Loving

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Who Says?

1 Samuel 8:4-20 • We Want a King Too! Mark 3:20-35 • By What Authority? By whose authority do we live our life in community? How much of what we do is based in the desire to “do what everyone else is doing”? Does The Church give us authority, or

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Describing the Indescribable.

Acts 2:1-21 The Coming of the Holy Spirit. John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 The Advocate, The Spirit of Truth. Most of us have experienced a moment or an event which we would describe as life-changing. They are very personal moments and often defy description. We try to tell friends and loved ones

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What? No Answers?

Acts 10:44-48 • The gift of the Holy Spirit comes as Peter preaches.John 15:9-17 • Love one another as I have loved you. Does the love of God come through each time we speak? Are we aware of the Holy Spirit in our words and actions as we encounter others?

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What touches your soul?

Psalm 4 • Answer me, when I call, O God. Luke 24:36b-48 • The disciples encounter Jesus. An encounter with Christ is not soon forgotten, or explained, but it is an encounter that heals the wounded soul. When we put our trust in God, and put gladness in our hearts,

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