To present our commitment to learn.

Isaiah 61:10-62:3 • Clothed in salvation and righteousness. Luke 2:22-40 • Jesus is presented in the temple. To be presented is to be known and it is a way to proclaim our intentions. This rite of passage for Jesus is one that acknowledges that we all have much to learn

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God’s House On The Move.

Scriptures: Luke 1:47-55 • Song of Mary. Luke 1:26-38 • The Angel Gabriel visits Mary. When the word becomes flesh and dwells among us the incarnate God becomes nomadic. God is more interested in being housed in people than in buildings and the story of Mary is the beginning of

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The Acceptable Year of the Lord

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 • The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. John 1:6-8,19-28 • John testifies to the Light. The Acceptable Year of the Lord, Year of God’s favour, the Year of Jubilee all refer to a sabbatical year where debts are forgiven, labourers are freed, the land is

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Seeking comfort in the wilderness

Isaiah 40:1-11 • Comfort, O comfort my people. Mark 1:1-8 • The proclamation of John the Baptist Are we ready to hear the cries for comfort? Are we ready to listen for the whispered words of God, gently guiding us in the wilderness? How will our patience bring peace in

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Being Moulded

Isaiah 64:1-9 • We are the clay and you are our potter. Now consider, we are all your people. Mark 13:24-37 • We will never know when God may appear in our midst. Be awake. Be alert. Entering a time of waiting in the midst of Covid-19 seems redundant at

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Stepping forward in Gratitude

Psalm 100 • Make a joyful noise. Matthew 25:31-46 • Help those in need. Every step counts. Every word of gratitude makes a difference. Every action we take, and every decision we make can change the future when we live our lives in faith, hope and love. Jesus said that

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Use it or lose it

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 • God comes as a thief in the night. Matthew 25:14-30 • Parable of the talents. What do you focus on more, the limitation or the possibilities? In this liminal time the possibilities are limitless. We will never discover what is possible without experimentation, without taking a

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A future good beyond imagining

Revelations 7:9-17 The multitude from every nation 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Lead a life worthy of God. On Nov 1st we celebrate All Saints Day, a day where as Christians we celebrate the contribution of the saints of the church especially those who do not have a special day named in

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Love, Paul, and Persecuted People

1Thessalonians 2:1-8 Paul’s ministry. Matthew 22:34-46 Love God; love your neighbour. If the two greatest commandments are to love God and love others, the question is “How do we do that”? Jesus teaches us that loving God is the first and most important thing. But, with it comes to a

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