I will wait for the Lord

Jesus, the great healer of his area, arrives too late to heal a very dear friend. Jesus instead sits with tears in community, listening to all the emotions of his friends. God, the great healer, then intervenes. God raises Lazarus and proclaims that death is never the end. How do

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Arsenokoitai This one word has doomed generations of LGBTQIA2S+ Christians to persecution and shame, and yet you’ve probably never even heard it, so what exactly is this word? Well, the short answer is… it’s complicated. This word has long been the base of homophobia within the Church due to its

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You will be found!

Psalm 95 Sing to the Lord John 4:5-42 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman Have you ever felt invisible, like nobody noticed you were there? For probably the first time in this Samaritan’s woman’s life, someone saw her for who she was! Jesus not only saw her, but asked for her

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What’s Happening at R-W?

Often people think that the majority of church activities take place on Sundays, but the reality is that R-W is a very busy and vibrant space every day of the week! Below are our weekly and monthly activities. A typical week at Robertson-Wesley: Monday – Friday Church Facility Hours: 8:30

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Where does my help come from?

Psalm 121 I life up my eyes, my help come from the Lord. John 3:1-17 Jesus and Nicodemus Be born of the Spirit In the words of the psalmist, our help comes from God. We are reminded that God is steadfast, sure, faithful and dependable. God is our keeper, our

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Do not live by bread alone.

Psalm 32 I confessed and God forgave. Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus and the Adversary. Spiritual friendship is the means by which we as disciples of Jesus live out what Jesus taught. We cannot go on this faith journey alone. Even when it appears that Jesus is left to his own devices

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Space Giving Leadership – the Jesus Way

Exodus 24:12-18 God in the Cloud Matthew 17:1-9 Transfiguration In The Holy Manners, the behaviour covenant shared here at Robertson-Wesley, is the call to pause before speaking to ponder what others are saying and how we are feeling before constructing our response. It also calls on us to affirm the

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Darkness Hidden is Wisdom Lost

Scriptures: Micah 6:1-8 What does God require? 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Jesus became for us wisdom We are called to follow Jesus who has been described as light for the world. However, in the Bible, God is both in the light and in the cloudy darkness, both in the struggles for

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