Staying to Heal

The Gospel of Mark moves at a breakneck pace because of the urgency of what Jesus has to accomplish. A storm on the Sea of Galilee has deposited Jesus and his disciples in Gentile territory, a place faithful Jews like them would not have voluntarily ventured at that time. Not

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Emerging Church Growth

Mark 4:1-34 • Parables of sower and mustard seed. Jesus taught in parables which is defined as a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. The parable of the sower invites faithful followers to not worry about success on the first try, but rather to

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Needs Emerge

Jesus has just begun his public ministry and from the start it moves at a frenetic pace, reflecting the urgency of his message of God’s new world being at hand. Even as the words of his first Sabbath synagogue teaching are reverberating, it becomes apparent that a major need of

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Gifts Given

Elizabeth and Zechariah prepare to receive one of the most precious gifts, the gift of a child. Zechariah was visited by an angel and he was terrified, but the angel tells him to not be afraid, for his prayers have been heard. Zechariah names the child John, and suddenly he

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Back on Track

The Hebrew Bible affirms Josiah as one of very few good kings of ancient Israel. Alongside his desire to have a strong relationship with God which includes restoring the Temple to the worship of the God of Israel. Beyond this, Josiah is humble and actively concerned about the welfare of

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Share Abundantly

Psalm 36 • God’s steadfast love extends to the heavens We currently have all that we need to live lives of faith in the world. To serve one another is the greatest gift we can offer. We are called to act out of abundance, to trust in God and all

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God’s unending compassion.

We often associate prophets with people who are enraged and who call out the people on what they are doing wrong. In the passage from the prophet Hosea we do not hear anger. Instead we hear compassion and the unending love of God. In this passage God is portrayed as

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