Solomon – the wise!

Photo taken by Rev. Karen Bridges 1 Kings 3: 16-28; 6:1-14 Solomon ruled in a time of relative peace which was good for him, because unlike David, he was not a warrior. Solomon was humbled that God chose him to rule, and in his early reign he prayed to God

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Prelude, offering and postlude

Instrumental Music: What’s the Point?    Recently, I’ve been pondering the role of instrumental music in the worship service.   During my various professional experiences leading music in different denominations and congregations, I’ve noticed that the variety of expectations people bring to worship extends to how they approach the instrumental music,

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Samuel, the cleric who wanted to lead a nation

Francis Cleyn’s Samuel’s Reproach to Saul, c. 1630-1635.  Copyright and used with permission from CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 Unported 1 Samuel 12:1-25 When one is set aside to lead others it is both a frightening and empowering thing. When people seek our guidance, our hearts can swell and we can be

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Choosing Sunday Scripture readings

How do we choose which Scripture readings to do each week? Robertson-Wesley United Church uses a schedule of Scripture readings called a lectionary.  There are a few types and in the last four years we have been using one called the Narrative Lectionary. We have been using a newly developed

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