Love in all Shapes and Sizes

Oscar Movie Series Movie: Shape of Water John 20:  19-31 Jesus’ disciples had differing experiences of the Risen Christ. Thomas became famous for being the one to say “No Way!” However, we all have times in our journey of faith when we think God’s love it too great to be

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Tell our stories boldly!

Picture taken of butterflies made at the Art Studio at the Community Dinner John 20: 1-18 The Resurrection of Jesus In the end is our beginning. When Mary found the tomb empty and encountered Jesus after his death, her life was turned upside down! Through her tears she found healing

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Pain makes things truly real!

John 12: 12-19 Jesus enters JerusalemJohn 19: 16a-22 Crucifixion of Jesus The great poet Rumi wrote, “The grief you cry out from draws you toward union.” This service begins with the cries of Hosanna, and ends with the cries of Crucifixion. Barbara Brown Taylor, a theologian, has come to realize

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Awaken from your shock in time!

Lent FourJohn 18: 28-40  Today we continue to ponder the grief and suffering that are central parts of Jesus’ ministry, his disciples’ lives and our lives as his followers. Grief often begins with numbness and shock. They can be either gifts or thieves. Why do we need time in shock?

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Will You Claim Who You Are?

Taken by Rev. Karen Bridges John 18: 12-27 The trial for Jesus Denial and bargaining are defense mechanisms that help us to deal with our feelings of shock, fear, loss, helplessness and vulnerability. Every human will react differently in a crisis situation. For Peter, a disciple of Jesus, he is

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The Death of Rituals

A disturbing trend has emerged in regards to death and how we deal with it — or not deal with it as the case may be. Time and time again I find myself faced with a grieving family, who proceed to inform me that the deceased did not wish to

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Rites and Ritual

Lent 1 John 11: 1-44  Jesus Weeps Anthropologists ponder when in the social development of the human being did we become truly “human” – different from other mammals. Many point to the early rituals and rites of passage humans used to mark our journey in relationship to age, community, birth

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Picture taken by Rev. Karen Bridges in Sept 2017 Botswana John 3: 1-21 Nicodemus Visits Jesus Sometimes it is just as important to recognize that which is not said as well as that which is said. Sometimes it is hard to accept our failures and frailties, the truth is that

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