What are you hiding from?

Nicodemus is a leader, he is spiritually open and curious and at the same time very rational. Nicodemus is not ready to come out of the proverbial closet, he is not ready to declare his faith in public, nor is he ready to let it transform his life. What secret

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Look What You Made me Do!

John 2: 13-25 We have been challenging ourselves this new year to be honest about our intentions and faith. This can be especially hard when we are feeling deep emotions, such as anger. Anger is a natural and important emotion that can lead us to uncover the truth and seek

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Have you heard who moved in?

John 1: 1–18 The Word Became Flesh The word on the streets is that God has moved into the neighbourhood. The word has become flesh, and now we can experience God in human form. Jesus is the word, and though many words in our world have lost power, this word

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What will ground you this Advent?

Fear blows in, what will ground you? Ezekiel 37: 1–14Advent is a season of emptying ourselves and preparing a space for peace to arise within. How can we decrease the power of anxiety in our lives and increase the space for imagination, visioning and peace-making? Come and explore with us how

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