Jesus Heals

Scripture: Ephesians 2: 1-10  Sermon: Jesus Heals        Jesus was known by his amazing deeds of healing. He healed by word and touch and at time seems to say he did not heal anyone but that the healed brought it about by their faith. How do we deepen

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Rev Karen goes on Sabbatical

August 1 – October 31, 2017 In The United Church of Canada ministers are eligible to go on a three-month Sabbatical after working in a congregation for 5 years. As this is my 7th year here at Robertson-Wesley, it is time to engage a spiritual practice of Sabbath. The term

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Jesus Gathers

Ephesians 4: 1-16 — “Unity in Christ” This is the Sunday when we celebrate our faith, when we take time to acknowledge where we are on our faith journey. Paul begs the people in Ephesians to not only answer God’s call but to live a life worthy of that calling.

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The Spirit Reveals, Pentecost

Acts 2: 1-4 and Romans 8: 18-39 — “The Spirit Intercedes for us”The gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was not its birth but its revelation! Wisdom had always called and been heard. Jesus’ news was only that this Spirit – part of God’s very creativity and Creation –

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Act according to your faith!

Photo taken by Devika Short Romans 5: 1-11 — Justified by faith It has been acknowledged by researchers and historians that in this post-modern world, many people have left the institution of church because the church has failed to live according to what it believes. There are countless examples of

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Act according to your faith!

Romans 5: 1-11 — Justified by faith It has been acknowledged by researchers and historians that in this post-modern world, many people have left the institution of church because the church has failed to live according to what it believes. There are countless examples of different churches and different denominations

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Who is at your table?

Easter 5 Scripture: Romans 1: 1-17 — Mutually encouraged by one another’s faith Sermon Who is at your table? Jesus is always making people uncomfortable. It was the people who followed him! Poor and needy, full of questions or accompanied by loud children! That is because Jesus saw their true

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Strange co-workers

Strange co-workers Scripture: Acts 10:1-17, 34-35 — God shows no partiality We are taught to tell others about Jesus’ compassion and forgiveness as well as to pray that as many people as possible both tell and hear the Good News. But what do we do when the teller is not

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It’s our time now.

Matt 28: 16-20 — Make disciples of all nations This is the moment of transition from discipleship to mission and ministry. The scripture captures the final commissioning where the disciples are called and empowered by Jesus to do as Jesus did. Their mission is to spread the good news, to

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