The Path of Belonging

On this Sunday we come together to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Robertson-Wesley United Church being an Affirming Community of Faith. What do we mean when we say we are welcoming and inclusive in our diversity? Robertson-Wesley values diversity, and is committed to being a safe and inclusive space for

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Paul the Apostle is writing to a community of Jesus believers in Corinth. In this portion of the letter, Paul is writing about what he and his colleagues in ministry are about. He uses the image of jars of clay, common, fragile vessels used to hold something important. In this

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Faithful Friends Abide

Where do you receive your life force from? What Jesus taught went against the norms. Jesus was a rule breaker but only when the rules harmed others. Jesus teaches us that there is always room to grow, change and learn from one another. In order for growth to happen, not

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A Manifestation of the Spirit

Acts 2:1-4 • Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 • Gifts of the Spirit On Pentecost Sunday, which is considered the birth of Christianity, we hear the story of the manifestation of the Spirit in humanity. The Spirit of God has power and as it descended on the people, the Holy Spirit

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Vulnerable and Open!

Scripture: John 17:6-19 • “May my joy be made complete in them.” What does it mean to be in right relationship with God? What does it mean to be in right relationship with others? How do we truly come to know one another and learn about how God is at

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What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Paul’s letter to the community of faith in Corinth addresses a number of difficult questions about how they are to live and worship together. How should they understand and value spiritual gifts like healing and ecstatic speech, both among themselves and in relationships beyond their immediate community? How should they

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What was that?

Today’s scripture passage is one of the very earliest remaining pieces of writing to a community of followers of Jesus. As was his practice, the Apostle Paul has come into the important trade city of Thessalonica and begun talking about Jesus to whoever would listen. As often happened, the “insiders,”

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