Nourishment for the Soul

Photo: licence: CC0.Text added: John 6:52 John 6:25–59 • Bread of Life This is about spiritual nourishment. We all know what it is to feel well nourished spiritually: full and strong. And we know what it is to be spiritually starved, under-nourished or malnourished. Jesus presents himself as the “bread

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Jeremiah 18:1-11 The potter This scripture demonstrates the reality that things crack, things get worn out, structures and systems begin to crumble when they are well used. Sometimes as we try to create something new out of something old our first attempt isn’t quite right. God calls us to try

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A New Silence

“The Path” Art work and calligraphyby Laura FosterText: from a traditional poem attributed to St Columba 1 Kings 19:1-13 • Journey to Horeb Elijah’s journey into the wilderness took him from anguish and despair to an encounter with the Sacred that redirected his life. There is a way for all

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Celtic Cross

Art work and calligraphyby Laura FosterText: 1 Corinthians 1:18 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 • Christ the power and wisdom of God The cross is central to our Christian symbolism—crucial as it were. There are many forms in which cross has been represented, but beyond them all, including the crucifix and the

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Expressions of Faith

Psalm 98 . O sing a new to God Luke 18: 16 . Let the children come to me Luke 10:38-42 . Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened Art work and calligraphy by Laura Foster Celtic Christianity is known for producing wonderful works of art collectively. The Celts believed

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Presence: The friend of the Soul

Art by Laura Foster  Psalm 143 In you I put my trustSirach 6:5-17 Faithful friendsIn the tradition of Celtic Spirituality there is a practice called Anam Cara – The friend of the Soul. A soul friend is someone who walks the spiritual journey with you as a source of wise

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For the Common Good

Acts 2:1-4 The Holy Spirit descends on the people1 Corinthians 12:1-13 Variety of gifts by the same Spirit Paul continues to confront the variety of dissentions in the broader community life. He longs to counteract self-centeredness and teaches the people of Corinth that each person has been given gifts from

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Called to Action

1 Corinthians 15:1-26 . Paul proclaims the resurrection of Christ  Paul’s writings today “call us all to action and to a new way of living in the present age, rooted in a hope for the age to come,” as Jerry Irish, a theologian writes. The message in the scriptures today

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