Creating Unity in Diversity

Acts 18: 1-4 Aquila and Priscilla1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Appeal to unite Paul’s message to the people of Corinth is that we cannot let our diversity stop us from uniting in Christ. Paul believes that he was sent to proclaim the gospel and unite people in a common mission. He went

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God’s Mission…our Gifts

Acts 17: 1-9 Paul and Silas preach in Thessalonica1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Giving Thanks  David Armour is our special guest today. David holds two roles in support of the giving programs of the church; Director of Philanthropy, United Church of Canada President, United Church of Canada Foundation  listenview

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A time of Terror and Amazement

Psalm 118:21-27 Mark 16: 1-8 Women see angel at the tomb When things are transformed before our eyes we stand in both terror and amazement just like Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome. These women in their time of grief and fear arrive at Jesus’ tomb only to

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Wait for it…wait for it…

Mark 13: 1-8, 24-37 Destruction of Temple and Lesson of Fig Tree In the scripture Jesus begins by predicting the destruction of the temple. Again Jesus calls us to pay attention, to beware and keep alert. We are to pay attention so that we are not lead astray. This does

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