Healing Spiritual Blindness

Picture created by the children of Robertson-Wesley, Jan 2016 Mark 10:32-52 . Bartimaeus Healed The disciples are suffering from spiritual blindness. James and John dream of power and position and thus ask Jesus to grant them something that they want, which is not his to grant. These disciples have been

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Check your attitude

Mark 10:17-31 Rich man is called to sell all he has and follow Jesus. The season of Lent is about discernment. It is about moving into the desert or wilderness and testing ourselves. We need to ask ourselves: What is it that we seek and why? Sometimes we get a

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Reality Check

Mark 8:27- 9:8  Peter’s confession, passion prediction, bearing the cross, transfiguration It is very easy to glorify the power of God, and to place our own ideas and expectation on the Divine. Like most humans, Peter, is fearful and uneasy about Jesus’ words proclaiming doom and gloom and goes so

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Listen! God wants our attention!

Mark 4: 1-34 Parables of sower and mustard seed In the scriptures we learn from Jesus, as the disciples did, about parables. Jesus teaches in parable which requires us to listen AND pay attention. In the parables today, God is the sower and sows the Word. What we hear will

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Be Bold

Mark 2: 1-22 Jesus heals a paralytic and eats with a tax collector The scriptures remind us that there are some thing we shouldn’t do like put new wine in old wine skins. Sometimes we have to make decisions that may not be popular or expected. Sometimes we are called

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