
CommuKNITy is creating a stash of knitted bits to be used for a future bombing project. Many people besides the collective members have contributed and it is exciting to see how interested and enthusiastic people are when they hear about the project. Some are simply delighted by the idea of

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Embracing Mystery; Cosmic Christ

Sirach 43:9-27 The glory of the Stars and the RainbowPsalm 148:1-14 Praise God, sun, moon and shining stars.Ephesians 3:1-13 God’s Mystery unfolded in God’s Creation The mystery of faith, is not like a typical mystery book that we read. Faith is not a mystery to be solved, or a problem

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Embracing Eternity

Scripture: Hebrews 1:10-12 Christ founded the earth John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word Sermon: Embracing EternityThe scripture readings today portray Christ as being from the beginning and existing eternally. Yet we celebrate the birth of Christ at a specific point in time. Perhaps this is the real power

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Choosing hymns? How?

After a service many people often share with me that they appreciated the music in the service.  I try to have a conversation about them about what music impacted them and why.  Is it familiar, some of their favourites, the style, the context, the content?   Many also ask who chooses

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Draw the Circle Wider Still

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 One God of all Ephesians 2:8-10 We are what He has made us Sermon: Draw the Circle Wider StillRW was recognized as an Affirming Ministry in 2007, following years of learning inclusion. The challenge continues as we endeavour to live out our Statement of Inclusion more

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The Truth About God

Scripture: Psalm 76:1-12 The majestic sovereignty of God embraces the whole earth Romans 1:18-25 the universality of the divine presence throughout all of creation Sermon: The Truth About GodPaul states that through Creation, the truth about God is know to all humanity. The Psalmist declares the universality of God’s sovereignty.

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Shape up in the image of God

Genesis 1:26-31 God created humankind in God’s image. Colossians 3:5-17 New life in Christ. Human nature and Divine nature are often two different things. Human nature is about survival, and instinct, flight or fight. Divine nature is about compassion, interconnectedness, forgiveness and unconditional love and servanthood. We have been made

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Church Ever New

Scripture: Proverbs 14:31 Equality in our common creator Isaiah 48:3-8a Created now, not long ago Ephesians 4:17-24 The new self Sermon: Church Ever NewIn the Power of the Creative Spirit, the Church is for ever renewing itself. We are a Reformed church, but also called to be a perpetually reforming

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