
(Romans Series, conclusion)It is so hard to grasp, this righteousness of God that sets us free to stop worrying about whether we are good enough! This is the gospel of God’s universal gift of salvation to the whole human family. listen

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Spirit of Victory

(Romans Series, part 16)This passage gives us an opportunity to end the series on a note of victory and an affirmation of eternal life, addressing death in the context of Paul’s affirmation of hope.listen

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Spirit of Wisdom

(Romans Series, part 14)Here Paul draws a stark contrast between the way of the culture around them and the way of the Spirit. It has to do with the “setting of the mind”, which is the difference between the way of the wise and the way of the fool.listen

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Grace to You

(Romans Series, part 12)In our pluralistic world we are faced with a dual challenge. We need to learn to celebrate—or at least tolerate—an increasingly broad array of cultural diversity. At the same time we want to make ethical choices in order to affirm the values to which we must adhere

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Bridges or Barriers

Bridges or BarriersIt can be so easy to place barriers between people. Even Jesus initially refused to heal the daughter of the Canaanite woman because he had been sent to seek “the lost sheep of Israel.” But she makes a bridge and God invites us to do the same.listen.

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WhitecapsLike Elijah running from Samaria or the disciples caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee, we can feel overwhlemed by fear when faced with the realities of our lives. In the midst of that the Holy One comes speaking words of both comfort and challenge, inviting us to

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God of Mercy

(Romans Series, part 10)Paul seeks to forge a way of compassion and mercy, turning away from the purist and legalistic way, celebrating the Sacred presence that brings gentleness to an increasingly brutal world.listen

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God Here Now

(Romans Series, part 9)Paul is addressing the fundamental mystery of God’s action. We believe that God is acting in history, among the human family, to fulfill the Divine purpose we are challenged profoundly to follow and trust God, moving in a new direction.listen

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God for All

(Romans Series, part 8)Paul is attempting to forge a way to God for diverse people beyond the limits of Judaism. Today, we endeavour to transcend the restrictiveness of institutional religion to share the gospel in our secular world.listen

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