Building on a Heritage

Anniversary SundayReflecting on the congregation’s 38th anniversary, we affirm that the rich heritage of Robertson-Wesley United Church is a foundatation upon which to build an exciting future and a real good-news offering to the world around us.Listen, or download mp3 audio

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Follow the Lamb

Jesus is called “the lamb of God” and he calls disciples to follow. For us as the church to follow the way of the lamb is to be a gentle, compassionate, and world-mending presence in the face of growing kinds of brutality such as bullying in homes, schools, work-places, and

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Mary, Blessed Among Women

A summary of the series on Mary, pointing to the picture of the divine mother as a corrective to balance our view of the sacred and of the whole of life.View, print or download pdf transcriptListen, or download mp3 audio

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Mary, the Blessed Virgin

The distortions about idealizing virginity are cleared away to reveal a truly prophetic power in the “Blessed Mother” of Christ—a birth that marks the transformation of the world.View, print or download pdf transcriptListen, or download mp3 audio

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Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows

When we clear away the distorting glorification of suffering, we find in Mary a guide to a healthy way to regard sorrow as a part life, and indeed, a part of our joy.View, print or download pdf transcriptListen, or download mp3 audio

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Post-modern Providence

Exile Wisdom, Part 7In a moment when no hope appears from within history, Jeremiah directs the peoples’ attention, not away from history, but toward that which is beyond history, acting within history.View, print or download pdf transcriptListen or download mp3 audio

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New Love

Exile Wisdom, Part 6Looking to a time of restoration following the exile, Jeremiah speaks of God entering into a new kind of relationship with the world, a “new covenant”—a new love.View, print or download pdf transcriptListen or download mp3 audio

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