Perfectly One

Image license: CC0. Text: John 17:23 John 17:10–24 • Jesus prays The last time Jesus was together with his disciples, the conversation ends with a prayer. We hear the words of Jesus’ prayer and we hear the passion. Jesus is ready to leave his disciples—but he will never leave them.

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The Good Wine

Image license: CC0. Text: John 2:10 John 2:1–11 • Wedding at Cana “The best is yet to come.” Perhaps this is the true expression of hope. At the wedding banquet, Jesus tells his mother, “my time has not come.” Yet, the wine was replenished, replacing the water for ritual purification.

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World Reborn

Image Licence: CC0. Text: John 3:4 John 3:1–21 • Nicodemus Jesus is in conversation with Nicodemus, a ruler and teacher of Israel who is struggling to recognize the power of the Spirit to bring us to a new birth. With that birth comes the possibility to see the Spirit at

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Living Water

Image: license CC0Text added: John 4:1-11 John 4:1-15 • Samaritan woman at the well Jesus met a woman at Jacob’s well in Samaria. The well was so important to the people of that country; and everyone knows what it like to be really thirsty. That well was deep, so it

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Nourishment for the Soul

Photo: licence: CC0.Text added: John 6:52 John 6:25–59 • Bread of Life This is about spiritual nourishment. We all know what it is to feel well nourished spiritually: full and strong. And we know what it is to be spiritually starved, under-nourished or malnourished. Jesus presents himself as the “bread

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A New Silence

“The Path” Art work and calligraphyby Laura FosterText: from a traditional poem attributed to St Columba 1 Kings 19:1-13 • Journey to Horeb Elijah’s journey into the wilderness took him from anguish and despair to an encounter with the Sacred that redirected his life. There is a way for all

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Celtic Cross

Art work and calligraphyby Laura FosterText: 1 Corinthians 1:18 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 • Christ the power and wisdom of God The cross is central to our Christian symbolism—crucial as it were. There are many forms in which cross has been represented, but beyond them all, including the crucifix and the

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