But I Say to You

Matthew 5:21-37 Anger, Adultery, Divorce and OathsDeuteronomy 30:15-20 The great choiceSirach 15:15-20 Wisdom of the Lord Why is the Old Testament important to us? Because it was Jesus’ Bible: the background code against which his life and teachings are understood. He refers to the tenets of the Hebrew scriptures in

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Instruction Manual for Life

Isaiah 58:1-12 The fast that Yahweh choosesPsalm 112 Bessings of the righteousMatthew 5:13-20 Let your light shine In Isaiah’s words, the prophetic demand for justice, for the end of oppression, is direct and unequivocal. And the consequence is just as clear: a good life, blessed and shining as a light

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A Story to Live By

Isaiah 9:1-4 The people who walked in darknessPsalm 27 God is my light and my salvationMatthew 4:12-23 Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee Jesus ministry begins with a declaration of the fulfillment of the ancient promise. This is the fundamental story that shapes our perception and experience of life in

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New Light Time

Sirach 24:1–12 Praise of WisdomJohn 1:1-9 Word becomes flesh Christ takes form in the midst of the world — the light of all people, shining in the darkness — offering the wisdom and inspiration we need for the living of our days. What wisdom will you pray for in the

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Joseph and Mary … and Herod

Isaiah 63:7–9 The angel of His presence saved themPsalm 148 Let the whole creation cryMatthew 2:13–23 Massacre of the innocents Imagine the joy of Mary and Joseph with their new-born child, and gifted by magi. Imagine the cruelty of Herod and Rome — the brutal hatred of a world in

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Open Our Hands

Isaiah 35:1-10 The desert shall rejoiceMatthew 11:2-11 Are you the one who is to come? What is the source of our strength for mending the world?How do we act without feeling alone?How do we open our hands with love? listen view

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Opening Our Mouth

Isaiah 11:1-10 A shoot from the stump of JesseMatthew 3:1-12 The voice of one crying out in the wilderness A vision of justice and a message to proclaim. Waiting in the light of promise. Ancient promise; holy light; prophetic message and Divine justice — this is the spirit of Advent.

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Annointed One

Jeremiah 23:1-6 A righteous branch for DavidLuke 1:68-79 Zechariah’s prophecyLuke 22:33-43 This is the King of the Jews When they called Jesus “the King of the Jews” it was meant to challenge the brutal power of the Roman Empire. Today, we do not need Jesus to be our “King”, but

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The End

Malachi 4:1-2a The great day of the LordPsalm 98 O sing a new songLuke 21:5-19 Signs and persecutions Stories of “the end” are metaphorical ways of describing the “purpose” of life: we live our lives “to what end”? We are tempted by simplistic explanations, but it is only in the

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I Never Imagined

Isaiah 1:1-18 Yahweh condemns injusticeLuke 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus A portrait of Zaccheus through dramatic monologue: “I never imagined that such a transformation could happen to me. I never imagined my heart could change after all these years. Then Jesus came to my house!” listen view

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