Walking the Way of Life

After walking the Way of the Cross on Good Friday, we continue to follow Christ, “walking the Way of Life” — seeing the sacred and new life in the ordinary things of the world, and experiencing the “resurrection” of the ordinary to the sacred — all of creation, fully alive!listen

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The Stones Would Shout

With Passover approaching and the people singing their praises, Jesus rode into Jerusalem, knowing that if the people were silent, the very stones would shout. Perhaps, as he rode along, he contemplated the stones of history shouting their truth: the stone at Bethel, the stone tablets at Sinai, the stoning

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Already Anointed

Mary anoints Jesus. This anointing is what would happen to Jesus’ body when he dies. But Mary does it now, while he is still with them. In the mystical spirituality of John’s gospel, this story suggests an invitation to live beyond death — now, not just after death. New life:

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Turning It Around

Each of us is called to consider a change of values, attitude, and perception in order for our relationship with creation to become truly respectful. This is beyond just learning to recycle. It means waking up and facing the truth of how we have squandered the inheritance. Then comes the

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Everyday Enlightenment

In this picture of Jesus, transfigured on the mountain-top, the unearthly light marks the presence of the Sacred — and especially Sacred Wisdom. Here is a picture of who Jesus truly was — this one who embodied the wisdom and the presence of God. Our life and world is transformed

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Disciples on Call

Discipleship is God’s version of volunteer management. Imagine God as our volunteer recruiter. We could trust that, by making ourselves “recruitable” we will be matched with the particular part of the church’s ministry that is right for us — that gives us a fulfilling place in the “body of Christ”.listen

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Married to Life

Corinthians 13 is so often read at weddings, because it expresses the transformative power of love. Marriage is also a biblical metaphor for spiritual fulfilment. We are called to dedicate ourselves to life with the passion and devotion of a married couple whose love is strong enough to transform all

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The Way of Community

Paul’s metaphor of the body in Corinthians is his challenge to the church to pull together. It is about team-work, understood not as all running after the ball in a clump, but each playing their own position in complementarity and communication with each other. And this is the caring community

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Endless Diversity

Our gifts differ more broadly than most of us imagine. It is challenging for us as a human race — and as a church! — to be so diverse. The challenge of inclusion is to affirm our own gifts humbly, to affirm others gifts graciously, and to recognize the one

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This Same Holy Spirit

The Spirit that cones upon us in our baptism subsequently leads us throughout our life. In so many moments of our lives, the waters of our baptism touch us, cleansing us, return us from death to life, reminding us of the presence of the Sacred, and touching our hearts with

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