Daring Hope

2 Kings 22:1–10; 23:1–3 • Finding the book of the law The beginning of Advent is a time for repentance, longing, and new hope — the renewal of hope. The story in Kings of Josiah’s reform was just such a time — the rediscovery of the true foundation of the

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Bonds of Love

Hosea 11:1–9 Yahweh’s love for Israel Imagine a God who knows that Love is more powerful than even his fury, even destruction. We sometimes think that compassion is only in the New Testament, but that is wrong. The Old Testament prophets were the ones who discerned the intentions of Yahweh.

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True Prophet

1 Kings 18:20–39 • Prophets of Baal defeated on Mt Carmel Elijah was the Father of all Prophecy. The life and power of this ancient prophet continued to inspire throughout the generations. The dramatic success of that mountain-top experience drove Elijah to the depths of his soul—a wilderness from which

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In the Power of the Spirit

1 Corinthians 16:13–24 • Stand firm in the faith Paul enjoins his followers to “be strong.” The Jedi knights in Star Wars are trained in using the strength of “the force.” Finding and cultivating our strength or our power is a central motif to many primary stories and also to

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