Remember to Seek Justice

Amos 1: 1–2, 5:14–15, 21–24 Let justice roll like a river The prophet Amos is not one to mince words. His message is clear – justice and righteousness are essential elements of a faithful life. Have we been too focused on our rituals and worship, that we have forgotten that

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Remember you are not alone!

Picture Taken by Rev. Karen Bridges Sept. 2017 1 Kings 19: 1–18 Elijah meets God at Horeb The prophet Elijah finds himself tired, exhausted alone, and living in fear for his life. He seeks solitude and in the quietness he reaches his breaking point. He’s ready to check out. Elijah

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Jesus Rests

Hebrews 4:1-11 From the beginning of creation God took a time of rest. God entered a time of Sabbath. Those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labours. Sabbath is about making time to discern the path that God is calling us to. How can we support one another

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Jesus Rebels

Hebrews 13:1-16, 18 — “Service well pleasing to God” The Jesus movement was about turning over the tables and calling people out on their sense of integrity. The Contemplative Justice Movement models a non-violent way to seek justice in the world, grounded and rooted in spiritual practices and a strong

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Jesus Worships

Ephesians 1:2-10, 15-23 — “Spiritual Blessings in Christ”  We worship and engage in communion as a means of connection. Coming together to celebrate and thank God while remembering Jesus in the sacrament of communion, reminds us and refocuses us on the message of the gospel. Through communion we experience forgiveness

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Jesus Teaches

1 Thessalonians 5: 12-28 — “Exhortations, Greetings, and Benedictions” We all have questions, and like the disciples who have followed Jesus those questions always lead to more questions. Paul reminds us, through his letter to the Thessalonians, that Jesus taught us to be patient, resist evil, rejoice always, pray without

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Rev Karen goes on Sabbatical

August 1 – October 31, 2017 In The United Church of Canada ministers are eligible to go on a three-month Sabbatical after working in a congregation for 5 years. As this is my 7th year here at Robertson-Wesley, it is time to engage a spiritual practice of Sabbath. The term

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Jesus Gathers

Ephesians 4: 1-16 — “Unity in Christ” This is the Sunday when we celebrate our faith, when we take time to acknowledge where we are on our faith journey. Paul begs the people in Ephesians to not only answer God’s call but to live a life worthy of that calling.

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Act according to your faith!

Photo taken by Devika Short Romans 5: 1-11 — Justified by faith It has been acknowledged by researchers and historians that in this post-modern world, many people have left the institution of church because the church has failed to live according to what it believes. There are countless examples of

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Act according to your faith!

Romans 5: 1-11 — Justified by faith It has been acknowledged by researchers and historians that in this post-modern world, many people have left the institution of church because the church has failed to live according to what it believes. There are countless examples of different churches and different denominations

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