Recognize and Respond

Picture taken by Karen Bridges.Matt 4: 1-17 . Temptation, and the start of Jesus’s Ministry As we explore the beginning moments of Jesus call to ministry we too are called to reflect, recognize and respond to our call. We will be tempted; tempted to ignore the call, tempted to give

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The Promise of Something New

Picture taken by Karen Bridges in Jasper Sept 17, 2011 Matt 3: 1-17 . John the Baptist Enough with the guilt, enough with the justification speeches, enough with the self-deprecating comments. It’s time to accept that you are an essential part of this world, even if you don’t think you are

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Dare to Dream…and trust in God.

Photo by Albert de Vos  Matthew 1:18-25 Joseph’s Dream It is no secret that “God’s work often upsets comfortable social expectations and conventions.” (Aaron Klink) Dreams can come true, but they aren’t free. In Joseph’s case, his dream is one given to him by God and it required great strength and

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Lament…and make it awkward

This picture was composed by Jim Triscott Nov 2016. Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:2-4; 3:17-19  A prophet’s prayer First off, the prophet Habakkuk confronts God. He cries out, and he laments. Then he stands watch, waiting for a reply. It is through Habakkuk’s patient waiting that a vision appears. God is listening!

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Reconcile, Remember, Return

Micah 5:2-4; 6:6-8 . What God Requires  We are called to remember. The prophet Micah proclaims that all that God requires of us, is to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. As we remember those who fought for our freedom, as we remember the gift that Jesus

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Open your hearts to God

Photo by Jim Triscott.  2 Samuel 12: 1-9 David and Nathan It is time to offer our true selves to God, to be honest about who we are and what we have done or left undone. We lament, we ask for compassion, we ask for healing and we offer ourselves

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