Expressions of Faith

Psalm 98 . O sing a new to God Luke 18: 16 . Let the children come to me Luke 10:38-42 . Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened Art work and calligraphy by Laura Foster Celtic Christianity is known for producing wonderful works of art collectively. The Celts believed

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Presence: The friend of the Soul

Art by Laura Foster  Psalm 143 In you I put my trustSirach 6:5-17 Faithful friendsIn the tradition of Celtic Spirituality there is a practice called Anam Cara – The friend of the Soul. A soul friend is someone who walks the spiritual journey with you as a source of wise

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For the Common Good

Acts 2:1-4 The Holy Spirit descends on the people1 Corinthians 12:1-13 Variety of gifts by the same Spirit Paul continues to confront the variety of dissentions in the broader community life. He longs to counteract self-centeredness and teaches the people of Corinth that each person has been given gifts from

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Called to Action

1 Corinthians 15:1-26 . Paul proclaims the resurrection of Christ  Paul’s writings today “call us all to action and to a new way of living in the present age, rooted in a hope for the age to come,” as Jerry Irish, a theologian writes. The message in the scriptures today

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Creating Unity in Diversity

Acts 18: 1-4 Aquila and Priscilla1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Appeal to unite Paul’s message to the people of Corinth is that we cannot let our diversity stop us from uniting in Christ. Paul believes that he was sent to proclaim the gospel and unite people in a common mission. He went

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A time of Terror and Amazement

Psalm 118:21-27 Mark 16: 1-8 Women see angel at the tomb When things are transformed before our eyes we stand in both terror and amazement just like Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome. These women in their time of grief and fear arrive at Jesus’ tomb only to

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Wait for it…wait for it…

Mark 13: 1-8, 24-37 Destruction of Temple and Lesson of Fig Tree In the scripture Jesus begins by predicting the destruction of the temple. Again Jesus calls us to pay attention, to beware and keep alert. We are to pay attention so that we are not lead astray. This does

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Check your attitude

Mark 10:17-31 Rich man is called to sell all he has and follow Jesus. The season of Lent is about discernment. It is about moving into the desert or wilderness and testing ourselves. We need to ask ourselves: What is it that we seek and why? Sometimes we get a

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Reality Check

Mark 8:27- 9:8  Peter’s confession, passion prediction, bearing the cross, transfiguration It is very easy to glorify the power of God, and to place our own ideas and expectation on the Divine. Like most humans, Peter, is fearful and uneasy about Jesus’ words proclaiming doom and gloom and goes so

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Listen! God wants our attention!

Mark 4: 1-34 Parables of sower and mustard seed In the scriptures we learn from Jesus, as the disciples did, about parables. Jesus teaches in parable which requires us to listen AND pay attention. In the parables today, God is the sower and sows the Word. What we hear will

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