Reality Check

Mark 8:27- 9:8  Peter’s confession, passion prediction, bearing the cross, transfiguration It is very easy to glorify the power of God, and to place our own ideas and expectation on the Divine. Like most humans, Peter, is fearful and uneasy about Jesus’ words proclaiming doom and gloom and goes so

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Listen! God wants our attention!

Mark 4: 1-34 Parables of sower and mustard seed In the scriptures we learn from Jesus, as the disciples did, about parables. Jesus teaches in parable which requires us to listen AND pay attention. In the parables today, God is the sower and sows the Word. What we hear will

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Be Bold

Mark 2: 1-22 Jesus heals a paralytic and eats with a tax collector The scriptures remind us that there are some thing we shouldn’t do like put new wine in old wine skins. Sometimes we have to make decisions that may not be popular or expected. Sometimes we are called

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The Posture of Love

What will it take for us to truly believe in what God has proclaimed and called us to do? Shall we stand in disbelief as Zechariah did and end up rendered mute and unable to speak aloud? This story reminds us of the importance in listening to God and others,

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Life Cycles of Faith

Isaiah 5:1-7; 11: 1-5  Israel as a vineyard. The scriptures remind us that when trying to grow something there is no guarantee that it will be fruitful. Finding the right seeds, and ensuring that the soil is enriched and prepared, and that the seeds receive the right sunlight and water

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Called to lead in spite of weaknesses

Psalm 150  Praise the Lord2 Samuel 5:1-5; 6:1-5 David Anointed King Called to lead in spite of weaknesses In these scriptures David becomes King over all Israel. David also brings the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. David worships God with joy and reckless abandon. What qualities are important to

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Remember, Practice, Interrupt and Praise

Deuteronomy 5: 1-21; 6:4-9 . 10 Commandments As faithful followers we have been given a set of commandments (rules or guidelines) to live by. We are in a covenant relationship with God which requires us to interrupt our daily routines to remember God’s promises, to practice what God commands of

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Wrestling with God leads to Blessing

Genesis 32:22-30 Jacob Wrestles with GodRomans 9:1-5 Speak the truth in Christ The story of Jacob wrestling with God is a good reminder that one’s faith journey isn’t always easy and like Jacob we should never give up. Over the past several weeks we have heard stories that call us

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Let’s get our act together!

Ecclesiastes 4: 1-16 The Value of a Friend As we move into the fall and another exciting year of programming we hear wisdom in the words of the author of Ecclesiastes a name which is derived from the Hebrew Qoheleth. In Hebrew the root qhl has to do with an

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