Stewards of a New Church

Isaiah 43: 1-21 I have called you by your name, you are mine.  Do not remember the things of old for I am about to do something new. The United Church of Canada will be holding General Council 42 from Aug 8-15 in Corner Brook Newfoundland. This is our national

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Do the ends justify the means?

Genesis 24: 1-4, 10-21Rebekah – when we first encounter Rebekah we are struck by her courage, her faith, her beauty, her kindness and her hospitality. She becomes Isaac’s wife and lands herself in a very dysfunctional family. By the end of Rebekah’s story, she is seen as deceitful and a

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How do we love and serve others?

Genesis 4: 1-16 Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Cain – bad boy number 1. Cain has the distinction of being the first murderer in the Bible. This story calls on us to explore the consequences of how Cain deals with rejection, and the assumptions that Cain makes from a place

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Behind the mask of revenge

Mark 1: 1-8 John the BaptistMatthew 14: 1-12 Beheading of John the Baptist For the month of June we will explore stories of both women and men who have been proclaimed as the bad boys and bad girls of the Bible. Herodias, the bad girl for the day, is the

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Can I do that?

Acts 15: 1-17 . Council at Jerusalem; Faith Gives identity to both Jews and Gentiles Stewardship is about sharing our times, treasures and talents and participating in the ministry and mission of the body of Christ. We are told today that no matter where you have come from, and in

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Our Hearts on Fire

Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19 I love the LordLuke 24: 13-35 Road to Emmaus Meeting Jesus on the road happens more then we know. The scriptures call us to not only the ministry of witness, but also to the ministry of hospitality. To welcome a stranger puts us in a position

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The Lord Needs You!

Luke 19:29-44 . Triumphal entry, weeping over the city We have been called to witness and praise God joyfully as the multitude of disciples did when they proclaimed to the people all they had seen and heard. We cannot be silent any more. Friends, do not allow yourselves to be

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