From brokenness to restoration

Micah 7:11-17 A prophecy of restoration Psalm 107: 23-38 Thanksgiving for deliverance from trouble Matthew 6:25-33 Do Not Worry   We proclaim in our statement of faith that we are called to live with respect in creation. Nature is beauty, peace, tranquility and nature is destructive, stormy, and powerful. Water

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Are you ready for a miracle?

Mark 9:2-9 The Transfiguration 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13 The Gift of Love Did you know that the English word miracle comes from the Latin words miro (“to Wonder”) and Mirus (“wonderful”). It’s the same root from which we get the word mirror. Towards the end of the Corinthians reading it

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The last straw!

Exodus 5:1-6:1 Bricks without StrawRomans 5:1-5  Suffering produces character  In Exodus we hear the story of how Pharaoh punished the Hebrew slaves for answering the call to worship God. Pharaoh felt that they were trying to shirk their responsibilities, and not do their work. Pharaoh wanted to teach them a

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Facing Change with the Faith of Daniel

Daniel 4: 1-37 Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel’s interpretation The book of Daniel is prophetic in nature and shares many dreams and visions. This book speaks to the nature of the world that we live in today. Daniel’s actions and faith give us both insight and encouragement to hold on to

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Embracing Mystery; Cosmic Christ

Sirach 43:9-27 The glory of the Stars and the RainbowPsalm 148:1-14 Praise God, sun, moon and shining stars.Ephesians 3:1-13 God’s Mystery unfolded in God’s Creation The mystery of faith, is not like a typical mystery book that we read. Faith is not a mystery to be solved, or a problem

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Shape up in the image of God

Genesis 1:26-31 God created humankind in God’s image. Colossians 3:5-17 New life in Christ. Human nature and Divine nature are often two different things. Human nature is about survival, and instinct, flight or fight. Divine nature is about compassion, interconnectedness, forgiveness and unconditional love and servanthood. We have been made

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One name cannot contain you!

Psalm 104: 1-30 God the Creator and ProviderRomans 8:38-39 Nothing can separate us from GodDeuteronomy 30:11-20 Choose Life In A Song of Faith we sing that “God creates the universe, God tends the universe, God enlivens the universe.” We have been given life, and all that we need to live,

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