The Path of Discovery

The prophet Ezekiel is known for being eccentric and bizarre. Ezekiel is a prophet who warns those in Jerusalem of what will happen to them, and he also tells them that God will forgive the people and bring them home. We are all on a path that seeks a sense

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The Path of Respect

The passage from Isaiah speaks to the people who have been exiled. In this passage the prophet Isaiah declares that the exiled people are a people valued and honoured by God. In A New Creed, we as a community of faith in The United Church of Canada proclaim that we

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The Path of Belonging

On this Sunday we come together to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Robertson-Wesley United Church being an Affirming Community of Faith. What do we mean when we say we are welcoming and inclusive in our diversity? Robertson-Wesley values diversity, and is committed to being a safe and inclusive space for

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Faithful Friends Abide

Where do you receive your life force from? What Jesus taught went against the norms. Jesus was a rule breaker but only when the rules harmed others. Jesus teaches us that there is always room to grow, change and learn from one another. In order for growth to happen, not

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A Manifestation of the Spirit

Acts 2:1-4 • Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 • Gifts of the Spirit On Pentecost Sunday, which is considered the birth of Christianity, we hear the story of the manifestation of the Spirit in humanity. The Spirit of God has power and as it descended on the people, the Holy Spirit

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Vulnerable and Open!

Scripture: John 17:6-19 • “May my joy be made complete in them.” What does it mean to be in right relationship with God? What does it mean to be in right relationship with others? How do we truly come to know one another and learn about how God is at

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The value of gracious leadership

Mark 11:1-11 • Triumphal entry While the Roman Army entered the city of Jerusalem, Jesus approached the city by another way. Jesus approached the city as a leader filled with grace. Jesus’s ministry was one of mutual sharing of power. Jesus’ leadership was not about self-interest but rather the communities

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Holistic Truth Seeking

Mark 12: 1-17 • Parable of the wicked tenants; paying taxes to Caesar People in power in the secular world tend to live in an either-or dynamic. Powerful leaders are portrayed as people are able to convince others of the truth. They are often great at debate and never back

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