Held in Common; United in Diversity

Acts 4:32-35 The believers shared everything in common.1 John 1:1-2:2 God is light; walk in the light.John 20:19-31 Jesus appears to the disciples. On this second Sunday after Easter it is easy to identify with the disciples who gathered in the small upper room. Are we ready to open our

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Expect the Unexpected

Acts 10:34-43 Peter preaches, “God shows no partiality.”John 20:1-18 Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. What do you expect? The disciples came to the tomb expecting to see the body of Jesus, but found that the tomb was empty? What do you expect this Easter morning? Do you expect to come

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Mary Speaks and Judas Turns

Jeremiah 31:31-34 I will write my law on their hearts.Mary 4-7 Mary turned their minds to good.John 12:20-33 Whoever serves me, God will honour. The seed of true humanity is that which falls into the earth and dies.for then it bears much fruit. As we move towards the last hour

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The Reveal

2 Kings 2:1-12 Elijah is taken up into heavenMark 9:2-9 The transfiguration of Jesus On Transfiguration Sunday Peter, James and John are led up a mountain where they witness Jesus being transfigured before them. This dazzling white shone brightly around Jesus revealing the true identity of Jesus and his way

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The key element of survival — Prayer

Deuteronomy 18:15-20 God will raise up a prophet after Moses1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Concerning food offered to idolsMark 1:21-28 The man with an unclean spirit is healed in Capernaum “Just then there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit.” An unclean spirit, a feeling of being unworthy, a

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The answer is found in 3 words

John 1:43-51 Jesus calls Philip and NathanaelPsalm 139:1-6, 13-18 God has searched and known me1 Samuel 3:1-20 God calls Samuel 3 words can mean significantly different things depending on what order they appear in, or in what order they are said. “I am here,” “Am I here?” “Here I am”

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The Kiss of Light

Psalm 85:1-13Mark 1:1-8 What does it take for God to get our attention these days? Perhaps what we are longing for isn’t the perfect home, the perfect Christmas, the perfect job, the perfect family. Perhaps what we are longing for is the joy and peace that comes from moving through

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We are God’s ribbons

Matthew 25: 31-46 When you helped the lease of these, you helped me. We have inherited God’s Kingdom which means we are called to participate. We come to God’s Kingdom as children, with a sense of openness, curiosity, hope, and a willingness to help. We will explore how God’s spirit

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