Occupy Basileia

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Lead a life worthy of GodMatthew 23:1-12 The greatest one will be the servant Paul pleads with the people of Thessalonia to lead a life worthy of God. What does a life worthy of God look like? Have we become preoccupied with things that are not important?

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We Are Not Alone

Exodus 33:12-23 Moses’ intercessionMatthew 9:35–10:4 Harvest is plentiful The Exodus series over the past few weeks has taken us with the Hebrew people from their bondage in Egypt to the promise of a new life. It is a time of wilderness, a time of hope and promise, a time of

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The Turn Around – Hearts Transformed

Exodus 32:1-14 The Golden CalfPhilippians 4:4-9 Rejoice in the Lord always Today is a day to give thanks, but not simply for all that we have. The scriptures today remind us that our actions have consequences, like the Israelites there are times when we become restless and begin to doubt

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We ARE Robertson-Wesley

How do we bring the story of Robertson-Wesley alive?? By gathering the people and giving them an opportunity to share their faith story. The stewardship theme for this year is “We ARE Robertson-Wesley” for we know and we truly believe that each person who enters this building adds their own

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Becoming a Movement

Exodus 1:8- 2:10 Moses is adopted by Pharaoh’s daughterRomans 12:1-2 Present yourself as a living, holy sacrifice to GodMatt 16: 13-20 Jesus asks: “Who do you say that I am?” When we proclaim out loud our belief in Jesus we are taking a chance, a chance that we will be

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Curses turn to Blessings

Genesis 45:1-15 Joseph is re-united with his brothers Matthew 15:10-20, 21-28 A Canaanite mother challenges Jesus Life is messy and there are more times then not when our actions and attitudes hurt others. The scriptures today speak to the fact that God calls us to reconciliation and forgiveness. Faith can

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Easter Vigil Reflection

Easter Vigil On the eve of Easter, people gathered as some of the disciples once did at the tomb of Jesus the night before he was resurrected. The people gathered to pray, to wait, and to remember. We began the night with a service that helped us to reflect on

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