The marking of transitions

Joel 2:23-32 • Abundant rain, full threshing floors. Psalm 65 • God crowns the year with goodness. God’s spirit has been poured out on us, we are marked with God’s love. Joel’s prophecy names that as the spirit is poured upon the people, the children will also prophesy, our seniors

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Strength even in our weakness.

2 Timothy 1:1-14 • Thanksgiving and encouragement. Luke 17:5-10 • Faith as a mustard seed. How do we tend to our faith? When will we come to accept that faith is a gift from God, rather than something we have to earn? The ritual of feasting on the bread and

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Be a blessing to others

1 Timothy 2:1-7 • Offer prayers. Luke 16:1-13 • The parable of the dishonest manager Parables challenge us to a new way of thinking. The parable of the dishonest manager is according to Helen Montgomery Debevoise “a call to reclaim who we are and to renew our vision today for

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The art of love filled living.

Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 • Instructions to live mutual love. Luke 14:1, 7-14 • Those who exult themselves will be humbled. Sometimes we just want someone to be clear about what we need to do to be at peace, and to live a life full of love. Instead we are often

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To nurture, to grow, to bear fruit.

Isaiah 5:1-7 • The unfruitful vineyard will be purged. Psalm 80 1-2, 8-19 • Care, O God, for the vine you brought. The past moderator of The United Church said “Let’s stop obsessing about the United Church’s demise.” What false narratives do we need stop speaking in order to hear

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Worship and work must be one!

Isaiah 1:1, 10-20 • Let the argument begin! Hebrews 11:1-3 • Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. Luke 12:32-40 • Be ready and dressed for action. When will we learn that we need each other? When will we learn that when it comes to faith there isn’t just

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What is enough? How do we know?

Psalm 107:1-9, 43 • God satisfies the thirsty. Luke 12:13-21 • The rich fool. Greed, excess, and over consumption run rampant in the world, and often we come to believe that if we just had this one thing we would be happy. Many of us become burdened with too much

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The art of prayer.

Psalm 85 • God restores and pardons. Luke 11:1-13 • Jesus teaches the disciples to pray. What is prayer and how do we pray? Like the disciples, we too, want to know how to pray. We often feel that we do not know how to pray. St. Clement of Alexandria

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