Discerning Choice

Psalm 32 • Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven. Matthew 4:1-11 • Jesus tempted in the desert. The story of Jesus being tempted in the desert is one that inspires us, and challenges us. Can we be as strong as Jesus when faced with a choice that either trusts

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Living with honour and respect

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 • Choose the fullness of life. Matthew 5:21-26 • Teaching on anger. We belong to God. This is God’s promise to us. We belong, we have purpose. Through Jesus we learn about healthy relationships and how to treat one another. Often religious institutions refer to God’s commandments as

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Something has come to light.

1 Corinthians 1:10-18 • Overcome divisions and find unity. Matthew 4:12-23 • Jesus begins his ministry Joseph Campbell who is known for his work in archetypal stories has noted that cultures around the world speak of the beginnings of something as a call to adventure. What if we look at

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Fears Released

Psalm 40 • I waited patiently for God. John 1:29-42 • Simon and Andrew become disciples Fear, uncertainty, and worry can hold us back from all that God offers. Imagine what could happen if we found a way to release our fears. Imagine what could happen when we trust in

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Rejoice in what is to come.

Isaiah 11:1-10 • The peaceful kin-dom. Matthew 11:2-11 • Messengers from John the Baptist. Entering a new realm or a new way of being takes courage. These passages remind us of the invitation to go out into the world and see things anew, or in other words, to see things

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How does it look now?

Haggai 1:15b-2:9 • God will shake things up; take courage. 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-5, 13-17 • Let no one deceive you; stand fast in the traditions. The prophet Haggai has a challenging message for both the people of the past and for us today. Haggai is speaking to the people

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The marking of transitions

Joel 2:23-32 • Abundant rain, full threshing floors. Psalm 65 • God crowns the year with goodness. God’s spirit has been poured out on us, we are marked with God’s love. Joel’s prophecy names that as the spirit is poured upon the people, the children will also prophesy, our seniors

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