Was it worth the price?

Ephesians 1:3-14 • Adopted through Christ. Mark 6:14-29 • The death of John the Baptist. The gospel this week is unsettling. The gospel reveals that which is often hidden from plain sight. It leads us to wonder under whose sovereignty we live? This story compels the reader to see and

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Your faith has made you well!

Psalm 130 • Out of the depths, I cry to God.Mark 5: 21-42 • Hemorrhaging woman healed.“In loving partnership we come, seeking, O God, your will to do. Our prayers and actions now receive; we freely offer them to you.” These words of prayer come from the hymn “In Loving

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Who Says?

1 Samuel 8:4-20 • We Want a King Too! Mark 3:20-35 • By What Authority? By whose authority do we live our life in community? How much of what we do is based in the desire to “do what everyone else is doing”? Does The Church give us authority, or

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What touches your soul?

Psalm 4 • Answer me, when I call, O God. Luke 24:36b-48 • The disciples encounter Jesus. An encounter with Christ is not soon forgotten, or explained, but it is an encounter that heals the wounded soul. When we put our trust in God, and put gladness in our hearts,

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Is it well with your soul?

1 John 1:1-2:2 • The word of life. John 20:19-31 • Jesus appears to the disciples. Transformation is not an easy, nor a quick process. Discovering a new normal, a new way of life in the wake of a death or a major loss leaves us with an unsettling feeling.

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Crossing barriers in the name of Love

Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-39 • God’s love endures forever. Mark 11:1-11 • Jesus enters Jerusalem. The people followed, and the people came to welcome the man who was shifting our understanding, and our way of living. He crossed barriers of race, class, culture and gender identity. He preached and practiced

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