
Colossians 1: 15-28 Paul, the servant of the Gospel. Luke 10: 38-42 Jesus visits Mary and Martha (today due to distraction ironically, Rev. Leigh did not record the sermon. A PDF version will soon be attached.) In our Bible story today, one sister is distracted by a list of things

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Compassion is Our Plumb Line

July 14, 2019 Pentecost 5 Amos 7:7-17 God’s Plumb Line Luke 10:25-37 The parable of the Good Samaritan When have you had to make a hard decision between customary actions and a compassionate action? Using Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan let us explore how compassion can be a plumb

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Unleashing Hope and Joy

Psalm 8 Majestic is God’s Name Romans 5: 1-5 Hope does not disappoint us. The Holy Spirit is at work at Robertson-Wesley and all around us. Where is She calling us? How do we listen to the movement of the Spirit together? Join us as our Discernment, Envisioning And Policy

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Revealed in a Living God

Psalm 97 Let the Earth Rejoice John 17:20-26 That they may be One What did Jesus reveal in his resurrection? The Christ was revealed to be alive in every age and stage of our lives and the church’s history. The face of Christ that we express here at Robertson-Wesley has

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Revealed in Surprises

Scriptures:Revelation 5:11-14 Worthy is the Lamb.John 21:1-19 Jesus appears to the disciples. What did Jesus reveal in his resurrection? Jesus reveals the Love of God even after his death in ways so alive and so engaging they inspire the generations to come. On fishing trips, at meals and in prayer,

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Transformed by Christ Revealed

Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 God is my strength and my song John 20:1-18 Mary Magdalene and Peter find the empty tomb. In the resurrection, the divide between life and death is revealed to be one in God’s love. In the resurrection, the divide between Jesus’ ministry and our own is

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Dynamics of Differences

Over the last few months at R-W, we have engaged in learning about the diverse needs and abilities we all have and why we need them all to be a Christian community. Mobility and learning differences, as well as some chronic and mental illnesses, are not always visible to others’ eyes

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Boldly Serving

Isaiah 43:16-21 Look I am doing something new. John 12:1-8 Mary anoints Jesus with costly ointment As a Christian community we seek faith, the infinite frontier. These are the rituals of the Christian Faith. Its continuing mission: to explore God’s new world, to seek out justice and serve others, to

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