Jesus Heals

Scripture: Ephesians 2: 1-10  Sermon: Jesus Heals        Jesus was known by his amazing deeds of healing. He healed by word and touch and at time seems to say he did not heal anyone but that the healed brought it about by their faith. How do we deepen

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The Spirit Reveals, Pentecost

Acts 2: 1-4 and Romans 8: 18-39 — “The Spirit Intercedes for us”The gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was not its birth but its revelation! Wisdom had always called and been heard. Jesus’ news was only that this Spirit – part of God’s very creativity and Creation –

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Who is at your table?

Easter 5 Scripture: Romans 1: 1-17 — Mutually encouraged by one another’s faith Sermon Who is at your table? Jesus is always making people uncomfortable. It was the people who followed him! Poor and needy, full of questions or accompanied by loud children! That is because Jesus saw their true

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Strange co-workers

Strange co-workers Scripture: Acts 10:1-17, 34-35 — God shows no partiality We are taught to tell others about Jesus’ compassion and forgiveness as well as to pray that as many people as possible both tell and hear the Good News. But what do we do when the teller is not

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Into the City, following Jesus

Scripture: ·   Matthew 21: 1-13       The Triumphant Entry We conclude our Lenten journey by taking our first steps into another expedition:  this one into Holy Week.  We get to celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem with singing and palm leaves waving in the sky.  We get to hear him cry

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Enter the Danger with God on your side

Matt 25:1-13 . The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids Picture taken by Leigh Sinclair. The parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids reminds us of the importance of staying the course. This saying means “to continue doing something until it is finished or until you achieve something you plan to

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