The Dancing God

(Trinity Series, Part 3)In a dynamic sharing of life, the triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier; Father, Mother, Child – dance together in the eternal sacred dance of life. As God shares life within God-self and all of creation, so we are called to share

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Healing Grace

Grace series, Part 5For many people, life feels like a struggle to find yourtrue self. It often feels like we’re disjointed inside. Thetrouble is that we seek affirmation on the outside whenwhat we need can only be achieved from the inside out.Through the gift of grace, we come to a

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Guiding Grace

Grace series, Part 4As we seek guidance from self-help books and counselors, it sometimes feel like the blind leading the blind. We want to be told what to do, but there’s no quick fix. Instead God offers the gift of wisdom to help us find our way. The trick is

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Bridges or Barriers

Bridges or BarriersIt can be so easy to place barriers between people. Even Jesus initially refused to heal the daughter of the Canaanite woman because he had been sent to seek “the lost sheep of Israel.” But she makes a bridge and God invites us to do the same.listen.

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WhitecapsLike Elijah running from Samaria or the disciples caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee, we can feel overwhlemed by fear when faced with the realities of our lives. In the midst of that the Holy One comes speaking words of both comfort and challenge, inviting us to

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Radical Trust

Abram and Sarai are called by God to a distant land. This is an act of trust on God’s part as much as it is on theirs. God calls them to be bearers of blessing in the world. Jesus reaches out to those on the margins in response to the

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That All May Be One?

Was Jesus’ prayer “That all may be one” a hope for unity of doctrine? This sense of unity has often led the Christian church to impose its beliefs on others. Alternatively, perhaps Jesus’ prayer for unity was for all people to work together to mend the world. listen

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