Prayers of the Earth

This is the day we acknowledge Earth Day, which is celebrated each year on April 22. We pause to reflect on the gift of creation and the presence of Godself in all living things. The Environmental Stewardship Group will also introduce us to a practice for reflection which we will

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A parade! Hurrah!

It’s been a while since we had a parade. Cooped up with COVID and winter we look forward to waving banners and laughing and singing and cheering. We long for a day of celebration. How do we encounter this day without thinking of the days ahead? How do we simply

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In the shadow of Your wings.

The shadow of God’s wings are not necessarily meant to be a place of refuge so much as a place of renewal. The psalm speaks of being kept safe however the gospel reminds us that there is a call deep within for us to grow and develop into active co-creators

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What is your identity?

How do we go about sharing our true identity with those around us? And once we know how to go about sharing this information how do we then be merciful to those we have assumed were our enemies? So many questions. Discovering and then living our authentic self can be

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Have you been watered sufficiently?

For a prairie girl the beatitudes upon the plain are a refreshing change from the sermon on the mount. It is good to hear about the word of God being delivered on the prairie wind, or resting on the far horizon, or calling from the clouds high above. And it

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From Bleak to Fulfilled

Our life’s journey is one filled with moments…good moments, tough moments, moments of great joy, moments of deep sorrow, sometimes all of those emotions fight for first place in any given moment. And occasionally in the midst of it all communion bursts in! Ordinarily we celebrate the sacrament in the

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What keeps us from going home?

The scriptures today call us to self-examination. What keeps us from God? What is holding us back from simply accepting the kingdom? How do we find the strength to be persistent? Looking around upon whom does your gaze fall as the person who calls you back as John the Baptist

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God’s House on the Move

The pathways to Bethlehem begin to open before us. There is a small crack through which we begin to see the light. Preparation for a trip can include many things: sometimes we try to map it out, sometimes we choose to wander, sometimes we end up wandering even tho’ we

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