Soul Growth

Between birth and death we travel a path leading to an ever deeper maturity, wisdom and grace. At least that is the hope. How do we nourish our soul into maturity? What does it mean to provoke love and kindness? Read

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Who’s to blame?

Job 42:1-6, 10-17 • Job acknowledges God’s power; Job’s fortunes are restored. Mark 10:46–52 • The healing of Bartimaeus. Someone must be to blame. We have to be able to point to the person or persons responsible for the mess we are in. Job’s friends all suggested blaming God. We

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One Thing We Lack

Each year we celebrate Thanksgiving as a way to ritualize our gratitude for all of the blessings we have received. And living in one of the wealthiest cities in one of the wealthiest countries in the world might give us pause to consider the depth of our gratitude. Amos and

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Salted with Fire.

The gospel reading this week closes with the words “Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.” Being faithful requires a certain spiritedness, a certain saltiness. Or, as Jesus suggests, a certain fire. Our covenant with one another includes a certain passion for the life, health, and

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The Power of Words

Wisdom cries and yet the cries seem to go unheeded. How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing? When will we choose knowledge? Have any of you seen similar questions on your facebook pages in recent months? It might be said that there has never been a more important time

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Equity is rooted and grounded in love.

Ephesians offers us a reminder that we are all “children of God”, Holy Citizens, members of God’s household. We are called to continue the conversations long since begun regarding reconciliation. There are no strangers or aliens in the kingdom of God, rather we are one household. We hear again about

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Holy Citizens Gathered – Be Reconciled

Ephesians offers us a reminder that we are all “children of God”, Holy citizens, members of God’s household. We are called to continue the conversations long since begun regarding reconciliation. There are no strangers or aliens in the kingdom of God, rather we are one household. We hear again about

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Describing the Indescribable.

Acts 2:1-21 The Coming of the Holy Spirit. John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 The Advocate, The Spirit of Truth. Most of us have experienced a moment or an event which we would describe as life-changing. They are very personal moments and often defy description. We try to tell friends and loved ones

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What? No Answers?

Acts 10:44-48 • The gift of the Holy Spirit comes as Peter preaches.John 15:9-17 • Love one another as I have loved you. Does the love of God come through each time we speak? Are we aware of the Holy Spirit in our words and actions as we encounter others?

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