Children’s Ministry
Inclusive of All Ages
Every generation is valued in our community. We strive to reflect this in our life together as children, youth, young adults, adults and elders. We provide specific programming and all age events for children, youth, young adults and family at the church to facilitate learning, fellowship and pastoral care.
As a church we want our youngest to feel and know that their participation in the life and work of the church is essential and feel that this is their church. We trust that families will choose for themselves what works best for their children and youth. If your child enjoys staying in worship with you that is great. If your child wants you to be with them in Kids’ Church, then sign up as a helper. If your child wiggles, dances, or is upset in worship, do not fret. Take care of your needs. We all learn in different ways and at our own pace.
Sunday Mornings
At Robertson Wesley United Church (RW) we believe that Sunday is a time of worship and spiritual discovery for children as well as for adults.
For children in Pre-school and up, Kids’ Church is our way of ensuring children worship in ways that are meaningful to them. Through a variety of activities and with attention paid to different learning styles, children discover God on their own terms.
Children begin Sunday worship in the sanctuary with their families. After a short time in Worship children are led downstairs by adult facilitators to “Kids’ Church.”

Children in Church
This is a wonderful article about the importance of children in worship
Dear Parents with Young Children in Church
Kids’ Church
At Robertson-Wesley United Church (R-W) we believe that Sunday is a time of worship for children as well as for youth and adults. Kids’ Church is our way of ensuring that our children worship in ways that are relevant and meaningful to them.
Where is Kids’ Church?
Accessed through the Memorial Hall entrance, Kids’ Church is downstairs along the main hallway. The first room to the left is the air room where we gather together to begin our time together.
Is there Kids’ Church every Sunday?
Yes and No. Yes, because every Sunday is geared toward children and youth as well as adults; but on long weekends, school holidays, or the summer months, there are often no planned activities. Children are welcome to stay in the main sanctuary with their parents or caregivers where activity books are available in the chapel. On these Sundays special care is taken to make worship accessible to young and old alike.
There are several Sundays during the year when worship is designated as a “Whole Family Worship.” This is an experiential multigenerational service where all ages are engaged in worship together.
Is Kids’ Church just for kids?
Definitely not! All ages are welcome to participate with the children in Kids’ Church, especially parents, grandparents and other caregivers or people who simply enjoy being with the children. All are welcome.
Children and Youth
Children and youth are involved in various ways in the worship life of the whole congregation as well as their own separate programs of worship and spiritual formation.
Some Sundays we begin worship together and then join in these separate programs. Other Sundays we have a Whole Family Worship experience in which all ages worship together.
Every Sunday we endeavour to make this place a comfortable and engaging place to be for your child. We have a diversity of spaces and resources so no matter how loud or quiet, wiggly or calm – we welcome all to be in our midst! Nursing can happen anywhere and we also provide a quiet private space for you, if you prefer.
Church Camping
Summer camping opportunities are available for children. See the following websites for details about camps in the Edmonton area:
Kids’ Church
What curriculum do we use?
The curriculum is theme based. The children will engage biblical stories being explored in worship using various activities ranging from drama, art, music, games, science, food preparation, storytelling, etc. With the biblical story being told and explored each week, the children get to know the stories well. The themes change from year to year. Children generally are kept together as a large group depending on how many children are present that Sunday.
Do the children go directly to the activity rooms in the basement?
Not usually. Children begin in the main sanctuary with their parents or caregivers.
Early in the service there is a special time with the children called “Coming into God’s Presence”. This is an all ages exploration time with each other and God. The children are then invited to follow the leaders to their rooms downstairs. On Sundays when we have communion, the children will come back up stairs to join their families.
What about younger children?
We have a toddler program for children aged 3 to 5 years, called “The Garden Patch.” The Garden Patch room is also located in the basement of the church to the left of the stairs and the elevator. Parents/caregivers are free to stay with their little ones if they wish and the service can be heard from this room. Parents are free to bring those younger than 30 months to “The Garden Patch,” but we ask that you stay with your child until they are out of diapers.
We also have designated child-friendly areas in the chapel so that parents/caregivers can worship with our youngest members while still giving them a place to play (or sleep) with puzzles, books, blocks, and stuffed animals. There is a nursing room (The Millson Room) adjacent to the chapel equipped with a rocking chair.
Who leads Kids’ Church, Garden Patch and Youth Programs?
We have a shared approach to leadership, including:
Our Minister of Congregation and Community Development coordinates and develops, and creates curriculum for these programs. Our Minister takes various leadership roles in the program.
Kids’ Church and Garden Patch Leaders:
We invite parents, grandparents, youth and congregation members to sign up as a volunteer to lead or help with any number of weeks. We have a few dedicated leaders who are the primary lead for the whole year in Kids’ Church.
Helpers are parents, grandparents, youth and congregational members who assist the leader and minister with the various activities.
Garden Patch
This is a space for the pre-school children on Sunday mornings.

Air Room
This a flexible gathering space designed especially for young children.

Fire Room
This is a vibrant, stimulating space, ideal for crafts and creativity.