Message from the Treasurer

Financial Update
As we approach the final few months of the year, we wanted to provide an update on RWUC's financial picture. As some may remember, based on our budget we were anticipating a $175000+ shortfall in revenue, which would be a significant draw on our investments. Currently, we are estimating a $100,000 shortfall, which is better than anticipated (mainly due to lower staffing cost and continued strong contributions from our congregation); however, still a significant amount. RWUC is funded primarily through donations and every amount makes a difference. As we approach the end of the year, we ask you to consider what you can contribute. Thank you!

Operations- Jan 1 to Nov 30, 2023 (Unaudited)

Property Income74640
Grants 42,200
Total Revenue522,645
Ministry & Personnel461,225
Administration 39,430
Regional Assessment23,115
Information Technology6,395
Regional Expenses700
Spiritual Formation POD795
Board Expenses290
Family Ministries1,215
Mission & Outreach POD260
Spirited Arts Movement1,255
Total Expenses629,000
Surplus (Shortfall)(106,355)


We are all encouraged to make a pledge, which is simply a statement of the amount we intend to contribute. It is not a binding commitment, but an expression of intention which is nevertheless helpful in our planning and facilitates accurate budgeting.


Who keeps track of all our money?
The church has a network of volunteers including a Finance committee, counters, an accountant, envelope stewards, and a treasurer who track and report financial matters.

Where does the money come from for running the church?
All funds are raised locally through member and visitor tax-deductible offerings, fund-raising initiatives, and building rentals. We encourage donors to provide an address and name so that tax-deductible receipts can be provided for up to 50% in tax savings. The church receives no funding from the United Church of Canada or government, although periodically we receive generous grants through application for designated purposes, such as the Municipal Historical Resource Grant, Canada Summer Jobs Project, and the Provincial Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP) grant.