History of Robertson-Wesley

Robertson-Wesley United Church was born through the union of two historic Edmonton churches: Wesley Methodist Church and Robertson Presbyterian Church.

Wesley Methodist
Wesley Methodist Church began in the spring of 1907. Services were initially held in a tent and in the fall of that year a wood frame building was erected on 114 Street and 102 Avenue. In 1913 a new brick building designed by Edmonton architect G.H. MacDonald, was opened on 117 Street and 102 Avenue. Wesley church provided a spiritual presence in the community for almost sixty years, but with declining membership and changing population of the Oliver area the congregation amalgamated with Robertson United Church in 1971. The building was sold and the proceeds were placed in the Wesley Trust Fund, which supports community development projects.

Robertson Presbyterian
Robertson Presbyterian Church was founded in 1909 and was named in memory of James Robertson, Superintendent of Missions of the Presbyterian Church in western Canada from 1881 to 1887. The first wood framed building located on 116 Street and Jasper Avenue was replaced by the current building on 123 Street and 102 Avenue in 1913. The architectural style of the exterior is an adaptation of the High Victorian Gothic Revival. The plans for the building were bought from First Baptist Church in Calgary. The interior features curved pews and balconies with quarter- sawn oak used for the interior woodwork. The 30-meter steeple was a landmark for many years but is now partially obscured by high-rises. In the early 1950’s, the Memorial Chapel and Hall were built, adding much needed space for Sunday School, offices and meeting rooms.

The church has an eclectic display of stained glass windows. Five makers are represented: W. O’Neil (original windows located in east and west balconies), Y. Williams & E. Johnson (narthex), Frans Mayer & Minchin (main floor), R. McCausland (chapel) and Winter Art Glass (interior narthex).

The present 36 stop Gabriel Kney organ was installed in 1979. As a tracker organ, the action is totally mechanical, lever action connected directly to the individual keys, only the blower and console light are electrified.

Historic Site
The church was declared an Edmonton heritage building in 1989 and became a Historic Site in 2004. It is a stunning example of pre World War I architecture of which few remain in this city. The related article on the city web site is interesting to read (Pages 15 & 16)

Anniversary 2014
In 2014 Robertson-Wesley United Church turned 100 years old! To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first worship service, The Right Rev. Gary Paterson, Moderator of the United Church of Canada, was our guest preacher for this glorious celebration. Click here to watch the video. The church’s construction was started in the spring of 1913 and continued during the summer, fall and winter. The congregation held its first Sunday service in the new building on January 25th, 1914. This historic church has been a landmark in the city since then. Initially it was the western end of the City of Edmonton. Over time it has come to mark the western end of the downtown area. Its towering spire, brick façade and stained glass windows have impressed area residents and visitors over the last century and will continue to do so in the future.

Anniversary 2024
In 2024 Robertson-Wesley United Church turned 110 years old! To celebrate the 110th anniversary of the first worship service, We held a special worship service and fellowship celebration. Click here to watch the service.

The building has and continues to provide worship, outreach and community services to a wide range of people and groups spread near and far in and around Edmonton. Many people come to visit and support Robertson-Wesley to celebrate the past, experience the present, and plan for the future of this special building in the history of Edmonton.