Tenants & Partner Organizations


 Alberta Baroque Ensemble 
A professional ensemble of musicians whose repertory is primarily the music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and whose performance practices reflect the spirit and style of the period in which the music was composed. ABE uses the Robertson-Wesley sanctuary as their primary performance venue.

Cantilon Choirs
A world-class choral organization that uses the facilities of Robertson-Wesley and contributes to our worship music on a monthly basis.

Edmonton Food Bank
Robertson-Wesley serves as a distribution point for the Edmonton Food bank on a weekly basis.

Prèscolaire des Petites Etoiles
A preschool program, conducted in French and English, with the emphasis on French. Robertson-Wesley is pleased to provide facilities for Petites Etoiles.

A Vocal teaching studio and arts space. Robertson-Wesley is pleased to provide this artistic space for Songkraft.

Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action
The Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action provides education programs for members of the community, with the goal of enlightening the community about the many religions found in Greater Edmonton, and to help them to appreciate this rich diversity. R-W is pleased to provide office space for this important group.