
The sermons at the Sunday morning worship services are available on the R‑W Sermons blog .

Worship Bulletins

Flower Ministries

Honour Sundays
Please join us in a tradition of honouring heroes, mentors, family and friends, those living and those who have passed away. On two Sundays a year (November’s last Sunday and Easter Sunday) potted flower bouquets are placed in our sanctuary during one Sunday worship. They are accompanied by a special bulletin with names of purchasers and their honourees. We pre-order flower bouquets through the church on the Sundays prior (in person or via email). At the end of the Honour Sunday service you can take your bouquets home or give to friends and family.

Occasional celebrations and memorials
We would love to help you celebrate special occasions or people in your life. You are invited to place arrangements of flowers in the sanctuary. The flower arrangements would need to be brought to the church Sunday morning between 9:30 to 10:00 by the family or individual who purchased them. (They cannot be delivered to the church earlier in the week.) If you would like the occasion acknowledged in the bulletin, information on who or what you are marking would be need to be at the church office by the Wednesday prior to the Sunday you are going to bring the flowers. You can call the Office 780-482-1587 or email us at

Sunday Morning Worship
at 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Our Statement of Welcome and Inclusion

In response to God’s call, we, the congregation of Robertson-Wesley United Church declare our commitment to opening our hearts and our church family to all people in our community, regardless of sexual orientation, age, gender identity, differing abilities, ethnicity, or economic circumstance. We recognize that many people’s lives continue to be devastated by hatred, prejudice, and inequality; therefore, as a compassionate and caring spiritual community we will stand with those who are adversely affected by injustice, alienation and oppression.


The Gift of Joy

Isaiah 12:2-6 • Proclaim God’s deeds to the nations. Philippians 4:4-7 • Rejoice in the Lord always. Luke 3:3-6 • A voice calling in the desert. Paul writes to the Philippians imploring them to rejoice in the Lord always! Sometimes we equate happiness with joy, but joy is different. Joy

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